New Year, New Seed

Jan 3, 2022Faith7 comments

Storytime… FAITH!

The highlight of my New Years Eve is definitely not what you’d expect, or even what I could have imagined.

I was in the restroom at Javier’s in Century City and overheard small parts of a conversation a random woman was having on her cell phone. I know that sounds so strange but this wasn’t me just being nosey or ear hustling per usual, it was a spirit led moment, an instant conviction to in some way help and bring her comfort.

I remember the moment I passed her to go into my bathroom stall, I felt her sadness but of course, had no idea what she was dealing with. I think it’s normal to overlook these kinds of moments, feelings, and emotions… All the “normal” thoughts went through my mind, “Shalena it’s none of your business, keep walking, it’s NYE, your daughters are with you, this lady is going to think you’re crazy, she might be crazy” but the stronger voice I heard was from the Lord, “Pray for her, wait, and pray for her!” So I did…

My daughters looked at me and asked if I was coming back to the table with them. I told them I had to wait until the woman got off the phone so I could pray. Clearly not so unusual for our household because they just said ok and went back to my husband.

When the lady got off the phone; before I could even say anything she started telling me about how her mother just passed away on Tuesday and that it’s all just hitting her. She said her mother died of Alzheimer’s at the young age of 55 after only being recently diagnosed and that her father was rightfully falling apart and she’s trying to keep it all together for her family.

My heart broke for her. My eyes started filling up with tears. I could instantly feel her pain and have compassion because I could have lost my mother a few years ago and my grandmother is currently in a long battle with Alzheimer’s.

How God’s divine timing lined up at that very moment shows me the power of the Holy Spirit and will lead me to further obedience. When I asked her if I could pray for her, she said, “Absolutely” and then another complete stranger chimed in and said, “I love seeing this type of sisterhood.” Sooo, I asked her to join us in prayer. (For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.-Matthew 18:20)

I prayed for the three of us, total strangers “meeting in the ladies’ room” 🎶 presenting our request to God and asking for healing and victory over anything we may come against in the new year.

I praise God for directing my steps, I’m thankful for the courage and the opportunity to pray with those beautiful ladies and to show my daughters that we should never overlook the hurting. I share this story because it leads me to how I want to boldly enter into the new year.

New Year, New Seed

I know it’s not the usual title or common New Year resolution but this year God has led my heart to be dedicated to serving and sowing seed into the lives of others. I want to be more intentional about sharing the love of Jesus and to never dismiss a divine opportunity to stop and be available to someone in pain.

We all have the opportunity to sow seed with our time, wisdom, money, prayer, and most importantly our faith in God and how He has saved and transformed our lives.

If you’ve read this far, I pray that you have received the unconditional, truest love of Christ and that a little seed was planted today that will grow into the harvest you’ve been desiring for your life!!

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

2 Corinthians 9:6-8 NIV

Happy New Year!!


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