Your home & office should rise up and greet you!

Reception Area
Most of us have heard Oprah say, “Your home should rise up and greet you,” and that is definitely true. But shouldn’t your office do the same?
These particular clients purchased a building, and inside was an empty warehouse. No walls, no flooring, no floor plan or design––it was literally a blank canvas. Adding to their growing legacy, we had the opportunity to build and design their corporate offices with an amazing team.
We didn’t want to give them a basic or shall I say, a “traditional” reception area. We wanted their office space to help boost the morale of their employees and visitors. More importantly, we wanted it to be a space that they would love and enjoy because it’s no secret that the amount of time spent in one’s office, is at times, more than the time spent at home.
So shouldn’t your office rise up and greet you?!