Miracle Twins

You can’t tell just by looking at someone that they’ve struggled, you can’t see the true depth of their pain or their courage for that matter. Sometimes all you see is the victory and the Glory that belongs to God. I saw this picture today of my friend and client that...

Do You Have a Dream? Don’t Give Up!

Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve posted, I’ve been extremely busy with work and family. Most days I give myself time for a devotional and afterwards I journal to keep record of my experiences. The journal entry that I wrote a few days ago was meant...

Who’s Hot in Hollywood? Rising Star Issue- Behind the Scenes.

Yesterday I had a photo shoot for Localiez Magazine with an amazing photographer Daniel Gonzalez. It was such a honor when I got a call from Super Model/Actor/Designer Sam Sarpong, to model his new clothing line Future Stars Collection. The magazines concept was for...

This is what Living a Legacy looks like!

This blog isn’t always about interior design & celebrity lifestyles, but about my life experiences. Today I want to share with you the legacy of my Grandparents, Winston & Pansy Greene. “We write the story of our lives with every decision that we make and in...

Behind the Scene with Shalena Smith on E! ‘Blinging Up Baby!’

E! Entertainment producers called nursery expert and baby concierge to the stars, Shalena Smith to be interviewed on their upcoming program special, “Blinging Up Baby!” Make sure you tune-in to watch the amazing show that they’ve put together.  The...